Maserati rental at Naples Airport (NAP) starts with our professional and friendly Meet and Greet Service. Remove the stress factor out of holiday transport and plan a self-drive adventure.
For a premium four-seater cabriolet, drive our Maserati Grancabrio MC. Slip on your Gucci sunglasses and feel the thrill of the power and the envious looks of other drivers. For another Maserati option, try the Maserati Quattroporte S. With the iconic black convex vertical bars in front, the supreme power and luxurious comfort, this vehicle will add a stunning ambiance to your trip.
Naples loves festivals. Christmas and Easter see massive religious festivals take place. Three times a year, the ritual involving the liquefaction of the blood of San Gennaro, the city’s patron saint, takes place. Enjoy the annual Pizzafest and the highbrow Galassia Gutenberg Book Fair. Performing arts festivals take place outdoors due to the heat. Don’t miss The Notte Bianca, or white night. This is an all-night festival of music, shows and performances that takes place in every available space in the city.
Indulge your passion for a great car. Maserati rental at Naples Airport has an exclusive vehicle for you.