With awesome power and striking lines, our Range Rover Sport provides a spacious vehicle for a larger group. The Oxford perforated leather seats and surround-sound system will enchant the passengers while the driver loves the open road. If a compact SUV grabs your fancy, the Range Rover Evoque is a cut above the rest. With a sporty interior, unique bumpers and a contrasting roof, it offers a fun and stylish drive.
The dizzying height of the Torre Dos Clérigos is for the brave. It was built by the Italian architect Nasoni and completed in 1763. Seen from all over the city, ships used it as a guide when coming into Cais da Ribeira. Admire the stunning interior and grand architecture. Then ascend the 240 steps, over 70m, and see breathtaking views over the city. If that is not for you, relax in the magnificent Cordoaria Gardens opposite the tower.
Driving with a larger group need not be a uncomfortable experience. Range Rover rental in Porto offers spacious luxury cars.